Sunday 14 August 2016

The unsettling dream of "Getting settled".

Time to read : 4 Minutes (Approx.)

“I will do this thing once I get settled.”

This is how we cheat ourselves and the society which expects contribution from everyone. This exists predominantly in the thoughts of middle class Indians right from the birth.

Career. This 21st century invention is creating a drastic impact over the cultural and humanitarian values of people. We are forgetting the fact that humans did existed before this and most importantly there were many who lived happily throughout. I didn’t say that not to climb the ladder in profession but do that remembering the infinite length of the ladder.

If life is like a journey on road, there will be no definite milestone called “Settlement reached”. You need to build your own milestones and enjoy those little successes. If you wish to do something good for the society, start now irrespective of the kilometers you covered.

I know everyone has a list of problems to solve in their own vehicle but think of the fellows who don’t even own one. Think of others welfare too in this journey. Not all can help in terms of INR or USD but definitely everyone can spend something called TIME. Though we can’t freeze it and save, we can spend it as per our wish.

If you want to sponsor a kid’s education in future, do it now starting a network of liked minds. Just the denomination of amount will vary depending upon your team strength. If you want an Indian to compete Usain Bolt or other Jamaicans in next Olympics, build a training academy and nurture the talented lads. Stop blaming the government and think about the Olympics medallists who came from refugee camps and much more poor background.

With the modern technology, you can even teach a kid in Africa or make someone do that without getting out from your room in California or Coimbatore. Or you can state the reasons as follows.

I will do after getting settled, I am doing MS right now.
I will do after getting settled, I am a fresher in a MNC which provides business solutions and you know how the stress level will be.
I will do after getting settled, I am just newly married.
I will do after getting settled, I have 2 cute kids and the responsibility is high now.
I will do after my children get settled.
I will do after, sorry I can’t since I am too old to do that.

You will never do what you wished to do. Then we will start blaming the system and government without realizing that we are the creators of so called system. So if the system is wrong then it means there is something wrong in us that needs to be changed.

Even if you can’t do anything for the betterment of the human species, stop judging about the people who does something. Do you think they are blessed to have more leisure time to do something for others? No, they just know how to value and manage the time.

Do you think they don’t have any personal problems like you? No, life doesn’t show any special mercy to them. They get hit, they fell down and they are fighting back. They never give up this fighting spirit. They know that the vehicle has to run till the engine holds some calories to burn providing energy to do great stuffs.

This is a journey to live, love and spread happiness to our co-passengers but unfortunately we are not caring about the fellow mates since we are focused on the hypothetical scenario called “getting settled.”

Dream to do great stuffs and start doing. Remember, there is no particular scale for greatness.
Not all can create a foundation like Reliance to impact many but everyone can do something great with what they have. For me even if you make an under-privileged kid smile by gifting a loaf of your bread, you are already great compared to the billions.  Dream and do it as soon as possible.

Cheers and appreciations for spending your valuable time to read this. Keep inspiring others remembering that you are great already and you don’t have to care about the society’s definition of getting settled. Yes you are GREAT, so keep that wide smile on your face always.


  1. Really super na...
    In the present scenario of society where people are made to behave like they are doing something for society in terms of their contributions, the words like these from you people will definitely inspire many...
    Im sure, if few minds are very clear, thinking of how to settle themselves in a sophisticated life, there will definitely be many minds, just thinking about the welfare of the society....
    The words from 24 yr lad sounds really high...

  2. Bro really it creates an change in minds of the people who ever reads...good one :-D way to go ..!!!
