Tuesday 26 July 2016

School and the Society.

Childhood days were the interesting and happiest phase of human lives. That’s the time when we had big hearts though we were small in size. Some grew as HUMANS and others just grew in size.
 Everything we complain in our life has the direct link with the school and the higher education that follows. Our anger on the member of the legislative assembly for not doing the development works or our defective knowledge on traditions and culture or our careless attitude towards the elders and kids. Everything is due to deficiency in education.

90s Generation:
We were forced to do something called ‘studying’ in schools and most of our parents being illiterate followed the rough instructions provided by the school management. They simply hoped for their kids’ bright future. Many scored good marks but only few came out educated. Fortunately at least 50 percent of nineties’ kids belong to the latter category. Thanks to those selfless teachers who made this possible. They knew the importance of morality and other qualities that make the human life prosper.

Image source: Google.

Equality in structure:
When we speak about equality, the foremost thing to be unified is the schools. Every kid should be taught the same basics. Einstein’s energy mass equivalence will remain the same whether you are in Punjab or Kerala. It remains the same for a CBSE and a state board student. What differs is the teaching methodology and the atmosphere. More importantly the manner in which the student perceives the concept. They should be taught about the velocity of light before equating it with the energy. Unfortunately this won’t happen if the velocity of light doesn’t have any MARKS.
So the culprit here is marks. I still couldn’t accept the fact that it’s possible to get centum in language papers. Definitely there will be a space for essays or poems. How you are grading these arts? What sounds royal to you might sound silly to the other. Moreover how good the writing be, there will be a certain scope for further enhancement. If you award a kid cent percent, you are stopping the growth of a creative student indirectly.

Public examinations and the never ending hype:
 The couple of standards in which the schools invest a lot for their business development. We can’t blame them for their intellectual minds. When you are into a business, you need to find ways for improving the profit. Let them do it.
We, the general society have to think about it. Getting state or national ranks is just a pleasure and not the pure joy. What if I said that most of the state rank holders are currently working for software developing companies just for earning BIG in dollars?  Where their aims of becoming doctors and Administrative officers to serve the society which they said during their success interviews did gone? They were faded away just for the sake of the society and the lust for money.

What primary schools should do?
The schools should be structured in such a way that the passion of each kid is identified before they reach the standard 9. There should be tests to determine their field of interest after teaching them the basics in almost every existing fields. Lessons on morality, patriotism, freedom fighters, ancient culture, Indian Army, adolescent age physical and mental changes, respect for elders & women, self-defensive techniques should be taught with utmost care. Then in high school, teach them the subjects they prefer and grade them.

Understanding reality:
Dhoni promotes McDowell’s No: 1 but he doesn’t like to drink alcohol. Kids should be mentored to realise that they should do things on their own interest and not because someone they like endorses it. If next gen kids able to understand this, most product manufacturers will definitely start focusing on the quality rather than marketing.

How great it will be if the kids were taught to understand that cinema is just a form of an entertainment to get rid of your boring hours and not an element which requires your sacrifice of precious early morning sleep.  

What parents can do?
Appreciate little things. Don’t force anything on your kids just for improving your social status. Unless otherwise your son/daughter want to become Hindi pundit, don’t torture them to learn Hindi. Just a spoken Hindi course will help for the survival in states of North India. Instead teach them swimming, Karate or any other outdoor sport, so that they stay healthy and fit. 

Support them during examinations and don’t fix their target marks. Just say them the range of score which comes under your “good mark” category. Know their friends and interact with them often. IMO, better make them study in a same school so that they have a good chance of creating lifelong friends circle. And also make sure that your kid’s class comprises of students from all economical background and not only the royal ones. This gives more probability for your kid to witness the toughness of a lower class fellow to buy a fountain pen and luxury of a royal one who fights for an iPhone with his dad.

It’s better to have the school with in 5 Km radius. They need your guidance at this age for everything. They need your parents to narrate some vital stories with great affection and care. May be send them abroad or anywhere for post-graduation. They will have a reliable base to carry on their journey.
Ensure that they value people more than the things. Teach them to have patience. Delay in gifting them a mobile but urge in giving them a book to read. Make them watch Mahabharata. Let them understand the importance of having a friend like Karna and a mentor like Krishna. If they say that it has some illogical scenes, link those situations with current technology, so that they accept the possibility of those happenings.

Guide them to learn good qualities from everyone. Not only superstar, even the power star has some lessons for life.

Spread the love. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Desirable lines! something has to be changed around every schools,precisely the good teacher is the one who is something out of the book...keep writing macha cheers!
