Tuesday 23 August 2016

Interview with Koushik Sivasubramaniyam!

Interviewing someone is always fascinating since it is the best way to learn the premier points for your life from theirs. It can teach you more than a printed autobiography or a Bollywood biopic.

Doing something for the first time is always special and at the same time we need to take care of our nerves. I didn’t feel any sort of nervousness since I know this guy from kinder garden and his name is Koushik Sivasubramaniyam. An automobile engineer living his dream in Germany working as a Race car data & Performance engineer for Kfzteile24 APR Motor Sport has shared his interesting views for my questions.

Born and brought up in Ellapalayam (a village in Coimbatore) by a middle class family, this guy has shown people that hard work and commitment to your dream can take you anywhere you wish to be. He made me believe that luck favours for those who try and never give up.

I know him for the past two decades. Out of two sentences he speaks, at least one word will be there related to his passion THE CARS. He stood apart from everyone during his school days. To illustrate I can uncover some of my childhood memories.

Drawing competition for class 6 & 7 I guess. When every participant chose to draw on the classical topics like Nature and Mickey Mouse, this kid will be drawing a stylish car with the dark borders on the chart.

When we were standing in bus stop fighting for our favourite actor’s strength and weakness, this young champ was observing the Volkswagens which flew on the road.

When we were baffling ourselves to answer when asked about our ambitions, this guy stay focused on his target saying that he want to become an automobile engineer and he did.

Now when we are mocking at the education system blaming that it produces unemployed engineers every street, this guy has proved everyone wrong!

Here we go, my first interview with my childhood friend.

1. Where did you get inspired to become an automobile engineer?
It all started from toy cars in childhood. Over years I found that I have an intense obsession for cars. I grew up reading Business Standard Motoring and Top Gear Magazines at a very early age when I was doing my sixth grade. Then in my high school I was good in Physics, I loved the subject and was fascinated by mechanics. It was then I decided that I must become an automotive engineer.

2. Did your school education helped you in any way when it comes to cars and races?
Of course a lot. Though I cannot afford to study in a Top rated school in the urban area where pupils had a lot of exposure to a variety of events, I did my entire schooling from a Rural Area school and I made the best use of what I had. Some of the teachers were absolute gold. Knowing my passion, the school indeed supported me once to attend an auto expo in Chennai where Audi A4 was unveiled for the first time in Tamil Nadu. It was 10 years ago I guess. The encouragement they gave me was incredible. Since I did my entire 14 years of schooling from a single school without any switching, most of the teachers knew me very well. They were like second parents. They moulded a kid into a boy and into a man. They taught me basic manners, how to speak with people, how to respect people, how to do math, how to tackle adolescent phase and what not! They are the basic building blocks of my career.

3. Is it necessary for one to have the national identity or its better to globalise everything and live as a human?
There is only one race and it is the Human Race. Humans are humans everywhere, the only difference is their culture in which they were brought up. It is actually interesting to live and work in a multicultural environment. It brings all people together and makes living a better experience. Humans are the most fascinating lot on planet earth. But at the same time, it is essential to carry one's national identity by heart. Share happiness and love everyone.

4. Did you worry about not getting selected in campus recruitment?
Not at all. Because I very well knew where I wanted to go and I was preparing myself for that. In 2015, I got some offers from small commercial vehicle industries, but I knew that it is not my cup of coffee. I was actually brewing my own flavour back at home by burning the midnight oil. Spending even few minutes at the wrong work place is a potential waste of energy and resources both to the employer and the employee.

5. What you will change in Indian education system if given a chance. Say the best two changes you wish to do.
Indian Education System is absolutely well designed. A bunch of old women and men in their early fifties and sixties launches 20 satellites in a single launch vehicle and reaches moon and mars at ease. Do you think we have a problem in our education system? Absolutely NOT.
The problem lies somewhere else and everyone knows where it is.
But the changes I would wish to see are
1. I would like to see people thinking on a broader perspective.
2. I would like to see government providing all facilities for every stream of education without any bias and without reservation.
3. I would like to see government taking appropriate action against institutions that are absolute educational parasites.

6. One major difference between Indians and Germans when it comes to career and livelihood?
From what I have experienced so far, German parents do not make life decisions of what his / her child would want to become in future or whom his/her child should marry !
They have a very good Work - Life Balance but however I see a lack of family bonding and values.
But apart from these I see the same human beings I saw 8000 Kms away.

7. Split up the percentage for hard work and luck.
99 % Hard work, 1 % Felix Felicis

8. Pick one. Friends or Relatives?
It makes no difference for me.

9. Role model:
Leena Gade, First Female Race Engineer to win 24 Hrs. of Le Mans.

10. Advice you wish to give to the school and college going students.
I am not the experienced or enlightened to advice for others as I have a lot left to learn for myself.
I am just another brother, who follows his passion. Life will be happy when you follow your dreams.

11. How your family helped you during the preparation times?
Biggest support ever. Whatever I am today, it is because of them. I am privileged to have born as their child. When I explained my parents about race cars and I told them this is what I want, they just asked me to go for it and told that they are there always to pat me from the back, no matter what. Their love made me strong. Trying to become a motorsport engineer from a country where motorsport is not even officially recognised as a sport. It was quite an uphill task. To enter this sport, as an engineer, mechanic or driver. One needs immense amount of mental strength to face defeats while taking the first step. My family was there behind me all the time.

Thanks for your splendid responses macha! You rock.  The way you responded for my interview questions and the words you said to me after that showed how humble you are.

I didn’t expect this blog to be this much great. Thanks and best wishes for your future endeavours.
Stay vibrant and keep inspiring people especially us (Indians).


  1. Good work Bharathi ...

    Keep it up...

  2. Great.. Happy for both of u ..

  3. Great.. Happy for both of u ..

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Haha...ellappalayathil irundhu automobile engg...title card...never forget

  6. Such a wonderful blog!! I have gone through twice! One of the best advice given by Koushik Subramaniam(answer of 10th question). And such became by favorite & true words too, "life will be happy when u follow your dreams". Thanks to BarathiRaja for this great work! All the very best to Koushik Subramaniam & Bharathi!!

  7. All the best koushik! and thanks Barathi raja! keep writing cheers....

  8. Sema hard work macha koushik,keep rocking da...

    Thala barathi sema machii..i really loved it

    1. Its some art to get a piece of mind from intellectuals.....thats beautifully handled by 21st century RAJA sir....

    2. Its some art to get a piece of mind from intellectuals.....thats beautifully handled by 21st century RAJA sir....
