Tuesday 24 March 2015

First Blog ;)

I planned to start a blog. I started. Then the biggest question rose up, “what is going to be my first thing to keep it in the classy showcase?”

Mind said to Google for the solution. Being an Electrical engineer working in an IT giant, nothing can help me more than the six letter sexy search engine!
But heart said at least for the first blog, stay independent of Google.

Even if Google fails to help us, there lies another six letter word in the most common language of the world.  Yes friend, it is “FRIEND”.
Every human relation in this fragile planet is unique of its own kind. But this FRIEND has different dimension matching up in the different scenario in the varied, collapsing, enjoying, partying, roaming, learning, studying, dancing (and every other possible form of verbs excluding some) situations.
It starts in the kinder garden where we chose to sit with someone just to have a company in eating chocolate, cookies and some scribbling in the note. For some it may start with a small help of picking up a ball from the neighbor compound while playing gully cricket. And some have friends in travel, some in class, some in playground; some in school and college cultural festivals and the list goes on never ending.

But however they come, good FRIENDs conquer our heart and there is no such case so called break-up. May be busy in their own lives but you can be damn sure that true friends will think and pray for their friend’s well-being at least once in a day, or once in a week though they didn’t meet up every day.

Stay positive, Stay Vibrant, Stay             !

Be thankful to the friends without whom your life is an incomplete sentence like the previous one. Tried to post a best quote for the friend, and then realized a sentence of four or five words can’t define every precious things of the life. Certain things have to be felt and lived.

Start trusting,loving,helping and LIVE!



  1. Great partner.... Nice blog... Blog name superb... Keep going.... Hoping for a strong blogger ....

  2. Rocking spiral!!!! keep Gng

  3. Rocking spiral!!!! keep Gng

  4. Keep pushing keep pushing :-p :-p Well done mate !! :)

    1. Thanks macha! You are one among my inspirations when it comes to writing ;)

  5. versatile initiative !! keep rocking with new ideas !! :)

  6. Good stuff:) Inspiring one!!! way to go.....
