Tuesday 12 July 2016

Jallikattu is indispensable!

Before starting, I want to thank Hip Hop Tamizha for “Takkaru takkaru” video that has inspired a million.

Jallikattu is an event held in Tamil Nadu during the Pongal festival.  Believe me, this has been practiced even during the Sangakalam. (3rd century BC to 4th century AD). Count the years with a calculator to know its prominent history.

Whatever our Tamil ancestors did during their life time had some vital reasons behind it. Though science has reached its maximum potential now, we are yet to identify the real reason behind certain practices. The miserable part is that we are losing the identities even knowing that they are indispensable. Jallikattu is one among them.

If you watch “Takkaru takkaru” video, you will understand how the bulls are treated in Tamil villages. Then read the views of animal activists and PETA to have some serious laugh.

The bulls are like farmers kids. We feed, love, respect and live with them. Having bulls and cows in home is a bliss. You have to feel that to understand. You can’t understand that by promoting nakedness.

What will happen if there is no Jallikattu?
Farmers will stop rearing the native bulls- Our cows will be injected artificially to reproduce – Native breed will be eradicated slowly - Foreign breed will be introduced with some costly rules and norms – Farmers will become the employees of MNC who sell milk – unhygienic since those breeds can’t withstand our environment conditions – No natural manure- More Chemicals and fertilizers on farming land- infected crops- More diseases for consumers – More sales for pharmaceutical industry- Tamizhan forgets his culture – loses his identity. (This is just hypothetical and it will never happen.)

Nothing hurts more than losing our identity. Always feel proud that we belong to one of the ancient civilizations and it’s our duty to pass on our intellectual achievements to the next gen. I am sure we will. Make sure that our addiction towards Cricket and cinema doesn’t impact our culture. Admire cricketers’ aggressiveness in the gentleman’s game and enjoy item numbers of Bollywood heroines but never ever allow them to take decisions on our illustrious culture and lives.

Happy to hear that Indian government has planned to adopt some new rules and allow Jallikattu to happen this time. Get ready to celebrate our culture.

Dear animal activists, this is not a campaign like “to go naked than wear fur”.  You have just triggered the valiant people to unite and shield their wonderful culture. Thanks a lot for that!

Tamizhan da!