Thursday 2 April 2015


It is really magical that how some positive responses you get in your life in certain things from certain people will boost your thoughts to work more on it. Yes you people have made this little writer to write for the third time. Please bear with some of my errors in writing since I am yet to complete my degree in English Grammar ;)
 Education: Even Google shows the real meaning of education in second line rather than the first.
We here will keep on saying to ourselves that our education system is bad and it’s the root cause for all the illegal activities that are taking place in the society especially the increasing rate of crime against women. But we simply don’t care about the topic once our life is safe zoned in some way.
Just think how many times we have recited the poem “Ringa ringa roses...” without knowing the fact that it is a poem of death related to Great Plague that killed many people. What is the necessity to make the little kids learn such an unpleasant thing in the early stages of their life? Just because it’s in English we Indians love the rhyme! ;)
How many of you can prove that Armstrong really landed in the moon? There are many reasons listed up to prove that was a hoax but we mugged up those two names for two marks in Q & A session of class 4.
I have read some stories regarding ancient Indian education which the Indian kings will provide to their princes during their childhood days. It was seriously super cool in its form. For instance consider the epic Mahabharata, the princes were trained for some years in a Gurukulam inside a forest which is far away from their palace. The idea is to keep the boys stay focused on their learning without any distractions. Moreover they have a clear reason and purpose in their education. They are educated with moral ideas and thoughts since its very much essential for the future kings.
My generation schooling was entirely systematic in nature. We will go to school even before we learn to speak clearly. We will be taught from the primary schools that best way to live a happy life is to get good marks in class 10 and 12. In order to keep your good form in that classes you need to start scoring good runs in the league matches too, which is nothing but the other classes from 1-9. The most pathetic situation will be in standard 11 where you will be said that you can enjoy this period because you have completed a construction of big wonder last year (10th standard Public) but keeping the fact in the mind that you need to build something more than that in the next year, you have to sacrifice certain things such as watching TV, Playing cricket) < till then I thought sacrifice was something like army men do to our country but my teachers have different meaning>. We will even mug up the answer for the question “what is your ambition in life?”  The answer will be as follows: “we will study hard and become Engineers and Doctors to bring out the positive change to the mankind”. <No other careers can bring change so we chose this ;) >
Then the big picture will be the selection of an engineering college. We will donate in lakhs to get a seat in a famous college. The definition of a good college is nothing but the placement records of that college. No matter what they teach us, what we learn, we just need an IT job when we come out as graduate.
And parents are very much proud to say that their kids are doing their higher studies in a country other than India.  No matter how badly they miss their prince and princesses at that time. They just want them to settle. < Settling means getting a job of six digit salary with a flat and a car for their family. Nothing more needed ;)>
The ridiculous part is that there will be no difference among the students whose names were flashed in the news channels some four years before with their smiling faces uttering the words as follows:
“All my success credits go to my parents, my teachers especially my mathematics advisor and my brother, sister and blah, blah! I didn’t watched TV for six months <Who asked you to watch TV just for distraction; you have million things to learn. You can see the rarest species of birds in Discovery, Brilliant magic tricks of Dynamo in History channel; you can realize how our Indian army is fighting hard to guard us through the news channels>  The list of sacrifices for the marks continues  without any reason which has a logic behind that.
Another ugliest part is when these rank holders came out and join an IT company for a monthly pay. Why should they waste their 25% of life just to do a normal job which any person who is well good in his English communication and who has good learning ability can do.
The Europeans and Americans are building up business units and we are serving them to grow more and more. We will be employees forever till we change our mindset towards education.

 We need a livelihood for life not a life for livelihood.
The previous line was said by my school principal, Mr.Alwarappan. His period of one year in my school was a clear blessing to me and my friends.
My hearty thanks sir!

And to the money makers out there, don’t enter into the field of education and hospital unless you are service minded. You are playing with the future of the incredible country. Making money is easy but making good humans is not that much easy!

And to the students out there, life has zillion ways to live a happy life. Just treat class 10 and 12 as normal hurdles. Help a little kid to learn. Teach a tribe to speak in a common language. Get a Briyani parcel to a fellow who is starving for food.  Education is not about technical stuffs alone, it’s something beyond that.

Education is an Enlightening experience.  This is what Google says as meaning for that word! ;)



  1. Well said bro :) Keep pushing !! Keep pushing !!
    India is truly incredible....

    Dear readers,
    Here is my recent write up about the same

    Koushik Sivsubramaniam

  2. U create more expectation Fr ur next blog!!! Keep Gng man
