Monday 27 April 2015


Photography is one of the best inventions made by the humans. Practically speaking it is the only possible way to relive the moments. But it’s killing the moments now instead of capturing it.

Think about that golden era when smart phones are yet to be discovered, when people used to communicate with each other so often and share their little feelings through eye to eye contact.

When a boy said those three words to his girl watching into her eyes, she replied back with a cute lovely smile. Gone man! All those lovely days were gone.  Future will be the technology controlled humans living as machines. Love will become a task to do!

Think how happy will be a family to pose for a group photo which is taken very rare. It will be organized approximately equal to a function, where the relations living in various parts will come together to a single place. Then the days passed, upper middle class started to buy small hand cameras where a person will shoot when others do serious posing. Marriages and other special occasions will have a photographer with a professional one in his hand.

People used to live the moment and photograph it for reliving it. But now a days people pose, pose and pose where they forget to live.

Technology started isolating people and this isolation reached its peak when selfie came into picture.

Now every kid has a rectangular Screen in the hands asking someone in the other part of the world whether they had dinner or not, but they have no time to ask the same to their parents who are living in their home. Though we are educated and equipped with basic knowledge in science, we can’t avoid using mobiles before going to bed which is a proved bad habit as far as human health is concerned.

We nineties’ kids have a good childhood time but this generation kids are missing million good things. Now the green colored app is creating such a non-sense in the society with its features.

Just think for a moment before sharing some one’s private videos and features. Think for a moment about their family, about their future. It gives you nothing in sharing those stuffs. May be your friend appreciates that before you but will call you with a bad nick name behind your back for this.

Selfie looks cool and hot but not always!

Think twice before you post.
Think thrice before you share.



  1. Really sorry for the next generation their parents know how to tap their last seen and browsing history ...hahaha ....

  2. Technology will improve further macha ;)

  3. Ha ha ha.... Think frice before a snap....

  4. Technology made the fATE to fit in our hand!

  5. Technology made the fATE to fit in our hand!
